In this time of covid, I am continuing to serve your therapeutic needs with both clinical and spiritual hypnotherapy sessions via Zoom. You can feel fully confident that the zoom delivery of this process is absolutely as powerful, successful and safe as face to face sessions, offering you a safe alternative for support as you navigate stress and upheaval.

Call Sarah on 0410 003 924 to find out more.

Hypnotherapy Sydney, Past life Regression Sessions, Hypnosis Sydney inner west
Hypnotherapy is a safe and natural way for you to make positive changes in your life

In this time of covid, I am continuing to serve your therapeutic needs with both clinical and spiritual hypnotherapy sessions via Zoom. You can feel fully confident that the zoom delivery of this process is absolutely as powerful, successful and safe as face to face sessions, offering you a safe alternative for support as you navigate stress and upheaval.

Call Sarah on 0410 003 924 to find out more.

Welcome to Sarah Ivens Hypnosis,

My hypnosis clinic is located in Lilyfield, Inner West Sydney, and I also provide online hypnosis sessions via Zoom or Skype. The shifts and healing results that occur with Online hypnosis sessions are just as powerful as in face to face sessions.

Hypnosis is a safe and natural way for you to make positive changes in your life. By using hypnosis to tap into the amazing power of your mind, you’ll develop personal resources to create new patterns of behaviour, and experience changes that will enrich your life.

Sarah Ivens Hypnosis Sydney past life regression
FREE 20 Minute
Phone Consultation
“Sarah’s work is a miracle … I’m so at peace … life feels better, lots and lots better.”
Joseph, Sydney
“Sarah is truly amazing … life-changing … I feel lighter … clarity and direction.”
Deb, Sydney
“… Sarah was above and beyond what I expected … I highly recommend hypnotherapy”
Amelia, Inner West Sydney

Clinical hypnosis is an effective tool in the treatment of a range of physical and emotional issues, such as stress, anxiety, chronic pain, depression, weight issues, poor self-esteem, compulsive or negative patterns of behaviour, insomnia and more. In my work as a spiritual hypnotherapist I facilitate Past Life Regression therapy, and Life Between Lives Spiritual Regression.

Hypnosis will provide you with an opportunity to approach life differently, to find better ways to address issues and to find relief. I look forward to talking to you and assisting with your enquiries.

Hypnosis For Mental Health

Improve your ability to relax and enjoy life. Hypnosis is frequently used to change the patterns of thinking that lead to stress, anxiety and depression. Past experiences may have caused your subconscious programming to get stuck in a permanent state of ‘fight or flight’, and hypnosis can reach those root causes and change the programming, so you feel good about life again.

Hypnosis for Stress

It’s important to learn to manage stress effectively, in order to support the healthy functioning of your physical body and your emotional life. Hypnosis will help you develop skills that address the issues that you need to improve in your life, in a gentle but powerful way.

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Hypnosis for Anxiety

Persistent anxiety is debilitating and takes over your life in many ways. Your “Fight or Flight” response is highly activated, as a way for your subconscious to keep you safe because of past trauma. Hypnosis targets the source of trauma in the subconscious and replaces it with resourceful, empowered feelings and beliefs.

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Hypnosis for Depression

Effective depression treatment gives you the strategies, and skills you need to regain your energy, motivation, confidence, and strength. Hypnosis will help you develop skills to build mental and emotional resilience, and discover strategies and strengths that empower you to foster a strong sense of wellbeing.

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hypnosis for confidence self esteem Sydney west

Hypnosis for Personal Development

There are many ways by which hypnosis can help you bring positive changes into your life. Personal development is about learning how to live in a self-empowered, self-loving, courageous way. It’s about learning from your life experiences, letting go of destructive negative beliefs, and cultivating meaning and joy in your life.

Hypnosis For Confidence & Self-esteem

Hypnosis can help you interact differently with your ‘Inner Critic’, generating helpful thinking patterns that support your optimal functioning and enjoyment of life. By tapping into the power of your mind with hypnosis you can discover strengths and capabilities hidden in your subconscious, that you never even knew were there! It can change your life.

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Other Life Improvements

Hypnosis can help you with almost any aspect of your personal development including: releasing the imprint of trauma, anger management, life purpose and clarity, motivation and overcoming procrastination, increase positive thinking and self-belief, release negative self-sabotage patterns.

Past Life Regression Hypnosis

Past Life Hypnosis is a regression technique that allows you to explore one or more of your soul’s incarnations. It’s a gentle and illuminating experience, which can uncover root causes of issues in your current life, thereby leading to resolution and healing.

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Life Between Lives Regression

Hypnosis techniques can be used to access the wisdom of our Soul or Higher Self, in a process of insight and discovery.
Have you ever wondered what happens after we die, or where we go between incarnations?
Have you ever wanted answers to questions, such as Why am I here? Do I have a life purpose?
What lessons are there for me in my work, relationship, family or health situation?

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past life regression hypnosis sydney inner west

Hypnosis For Pain Relief

I am a certified Clinical Hypnotherapist with personal experience of chronic pain, and therefore, I’m well placed to help you find relief and empowerment over your pain. As with any pain, emotional or physical, it’s important to find ways to reclaim your life, and to put pain and suffering “in the back seat”.

Hypnosis is an effective method of pain management. It provides drug-free pain relief for a variety of conditions, including: headaches, migraines, fibromyalgia, neuropathic pain, pelvic pain, lower back pain, neck pain – in fact chronic pain of any types.

Chronic Pain

Clinical trial evidence, confirms that hypnosis treatments are effective at reducing daily pain intensity levels in people who have chronic pain. Hypnosis harnesses your ability to retrain neural pathways and develop new patterns in the brain and the body, and to help you reclaim control and ‘put pain in the back seat’.

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Research has shown that the way we focus our attention can significantly influence our experience of pain. Because hypnosis is a state of focused attention, it can empower you to change the way you pay attention to pain, and your response to pain, allowing you to change your pain state.

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hypnosis sydney inner west weight loss
FREE 20 Minute
Phone Consultation

Hypnosis for Food Issues

Hypnosis can be used to address a variety of food-related issues including: binge eating, emotional eating, overeating, improved healthy eating or aversion to certain foods.

Hypnosis For Weight Loss

Hypnosis helps you achieve your weight loss goals by influencing your eating patterns and habits as well as by addressing any underlying self-esteem issues that might be contributing to overeating. Increase motivation and feel good about yourself as you move in the right direction towards creating the perfect size and shape you.

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Other Food Issues

The most common food related use of hypnosis is weight loss, but it can also be used to help people overcome aversions that they might have to certain foods, who don’t like vegetables, or who are picky/fussy eaters. It can also help you to change your habits away from unhealthy foods to more healthy food.

Quit Smoking Hypnosis

Hypnosis to stop smoking works at the deepest levels of your mind, to change your relationship with cigarettes and remove the desire to smoke. No gimmicks are necessary, no Nicorettes or patches. With Hypnotherapy you can remove the emotional link to smoking, thus enabling you to move into a healthier way of being relaxed and feeling in control.

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quit smoking hynosis sydney

Hypnosis For Improved Health

Hypnosis can be used to successfully improve physical health in a number of ways including for: IBS, eczema, insomnia, gut health (gut-directed hypnotherapy),and in preparations for surgery and during recovery.

Pre-op Wellbeing & Post-op Recovery

In the United States, hypnotic therapy has been used in hospitals for some time now, and the research tells us that when hypnosis is used pre-operatively there’s less bleeding during surgery, faster healing and a faster recovery rate.

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IBS – Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Clinical trials have shown that hypnosis is one of the most successful treatments for IBS. A significant majority of patients who are treated with hypnosis for IBS have reduced and improved their symptoms.

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Hypnosis for Insomnia

Hypnosis techniques can be used to control and overcome the behaviors that prevent sleep from occurring, and can help you retrain your mind and body to rest, and allow sleep to occur naturally, so you wake refreshed every day.

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Hypnosis For Phobias

Hypnosis can help you overcome fears and phobias including fear of: going to the dentist (dental anxiety), bridges, fear of driving, fear of failure, heights, flying, needles, public speaking, spiders, and claustrophobia. Let hypnosis help you overcome your fears and phobias.

hypnosis sydney inner west

Hypnosis in Sydney Inner West & Online

I have my hypnosis clinic in Lilyfield, in Sydney’s Inner West.
I also provide online hypnosis sessions via Zoom or Skype. Online sessions are just as effective as in-person sessions!

hypnotherapy sydney inner west
FREE 20 Minute
Phone Consultation

Client Testimonials

…Through my hypnosis sessions, I was able to transform my perception of myself and my outlook on life… The outcome of my sessions was above and beyond what I expected… Now when I am stressed or lack confidence, I have the ability to conduct myself in a more positive and productive way that I never imagined possible before...

Amelia, Inner West Sydney

…Sarah is a very caring and intuitive hypnotherapist. She took the time to investigate the cause of my behaviours and tailored our hypnosis sessions to my needs, which was a great help... I recommend Sarah to anyone who wants to go deeper into why they might be experiencing a particular problem...

Julie, Inner West Sydney

… Sarah is a warm, friendly and very gifted hypnotherapist, and I’m so very grateful for the circumstances that led me to find her.

Robyn, Sydney

… In my experience, Sarah's work is miracle. She inspires real change, deep inside, and the best way to explain that change is that life feels better, lots and lots better…

Joseph, Sydney

These are just snippets from a few testimonials. Read the full list of detailed testimonials…